
network delay, types of

Network processing delay, propagation delay, and transmission delay are three key components of network delay, which is the total time it takes for a bit of data to travel across a network from one communication endpoint to another[9].

Network Processing Delay

Network processing delay is the time it takes for a router or other network device to process a packet’s header and determine where to route the packet[1][5]. This processing can include checking for bit-level errors in the packet that occurred during transmission, performing complex encryption, deep packet inspection for security, legal, or other reasons, and network address translation[1][5]. The processing delay is dependent on the speed and efficiency of the processor in the network device[7].

Network Propagation Delay

Propagation delay is the time it takes for a bit to travel from one end of the network link to the other[2][3]. It is a function of the distance between the two routers (or other network devices) and the speed of signal propagation in the network medium[2][3]. Unlike transmission delay, propagation delay is independent of the packet’s length or the transmission rate of the link[2].

Network Transmission Delay

Transmission delay is the time it takes to push all the bits of a data packet onto the network medium[2][3]. It is a function of the packet’s length and the bandwidth of the network[2][3]. Unlike propagation delay, transmission delay is independent of the distance between the sender and receiver[2].

Relationship Among the Delays

These three types of delay contribute to the total end-to-end delay in a network, which is a critical factor in network performance[9]. High processing delays can slow down the rate at which packets are routed through the network, potentially leading to bottlenecks and increased latency[1][5]. High propagation delays can increase the time it takes for data to travel across the network, particularly over long distances[2][3]. High transmission delays can slow down the rate at which data is sent onto the network, reducing the network’s overall throughput[2][3].

In summary, network processing delay, propagation delay, and transmission delay are interrelated components of network delay. Each type of delay can impact network performance in different ways, and understanding these delays can help in designing and managing efficient networks.













